Quiet Enjoyment Infrastructure. The twelve components of the Quiet Enjoyment Infrastructure (QEI) provide the architecture of Authenticity™. They address the failings of the IT industry’s approach to providing information security solutions. New structures and processes show how Authenticity works where security technology has failed us.
Entrepreneurship. Preparation for prospective entrepreneurs who want to build a business that addresses an Authenticity™ need in the area of their expertise.
Professional Licensing. In the new world of Authenticity™, professional licensing plays a
critical role in assuring that structures and processes are created and/or approved by an individual who is personally accountable for proper operation, with no vulnerabilities that could allow for intrusion or misuse by bad actors. Courses cover a wide range of professions, some of which are familiar in the physical world and some of which are newly needed in the digital world.
MailSlot™. This course is designed for email administrators and users who are implementing the MailSlot solution in their organization. MailSlot provides a way to separate incoming mail into trusted and untrusted messages, based on digital signatures of Authenticity's measurably reliable identities.
CAO Training. The Council of Attestation Officers (CAO) provides experienced notaries who are trained Attestation Officers who conduct an identity attestation review after a person has completed an initial self-enrollment process. Attestation Officers are specially trained remote online notaries (RONs) who receive their identity attestation training through these courses.
IDQA. IDQA (Identity Quality Assurance) provides a way to measure the reliability of an individual’s identity claim. Individuals who have completed self-enrollment start with a relatively low initial IDQA score. Later, you can request a session with an Attestation Officer to provide additional evidence of identity and increase that score.
Placeware. With the recent shift toward remote meetings, organizations have been trying to implement solutions that help maintain productivity and business continuity. Placeware provides an efficient business environment that mimics an office building with familiar aspects of a conventional office. This course provides an overview of Placeware plus training on the processes and technology that make it work.
DID (Decentralized Identity). This is a free resource for individuals who have completed the self-enrollment process and are interested in the underlying concepts and concerns around blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Continuing Education. As the Authenticity concept spreads, the processes and technologies developed by The Authenticity Institute will become applicable in different markets and industries. Courses on how Authenticity concepts can be applied will be presented as case studies.
A sampling of course topics
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