It's not just us – the word is out ...
Indeed, everyone is starting to see that security technology has failed us.
Security is simply not working.
But here's good news:
There IS a solution
Actually, the solution is quite old.
It's been hiding in plain sight.
The solution DOES call for stepping back a bit
and thinking about the nature of the problem.
Some years ago, advertisements told us to
"Think Different."
Well, once again it's time to Think Different.
So let's step back and think about this ...
Tunnels were a good start ...
Let's think different(ly) about security by replacing the concept of a tunnel between the user and the server with the concept of an enclosed pedestrian walkway between the user and the server.  You know, just bring it all indoors – including the ends.
So – how do we build enclosed, secure pedestrian walkways?  Digital ones, that is.
It turns out that there's an established, very sound and secure construction material for just that.  It's been around for decades – it's just been overlooked.  
It's called PKI.
If PKI is so good, why isn't it used everywhere?
Actually, technologists have built hooks for using PKI into all sorts of software.  But here's the challenge:
PKI is much bigger than technology.  
We're here to fix that problem and help you with the different kind of thinking that PKI calls for.
Learn how PKI Done Right can bring REAL SECURITY to your organization.
Show me 
This two-minute video will explain how PKI works.
The PKI technologists did their work, then expected the rest of the world to put it to use in their methods and procedures.  But the PKI technologists – being, you know, technologists – had some difficulty explaining their work to business people.
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