Join us
REAL privacy for yourself
REAL accountability from others you encounter online
Accountable anonymity (yes, both — at the same time!)
Online spaces with REAL security
The ability to log in anywhere without passwords using a more secure credential
Anonymity benefits of decentralization – with GOVERNANCE
Ownership of information about yourself
Social media that respects your relationships with others
Think of The Authenticity Alliance as an
"Authenticity Growers Cooperative"
Similar to familiar agricultural cooperatives in the physical world, The Authenticity Alliance is a network of enterprises and individuals whose purpose is to "grow" Authenticity and bring it to the digital world.
The ability to create your own community, delivering all the above to your people
It's all built on something called
Authenticity gives you ...
in bringing Authenticity to your life 
and to the lives of everyone who wants 
The Authenticity Alliance 
As a thinker, YOU can help spread awareness of this common-sense solution to our accelerating slide into online chaos and crime.
While the Quiet Enjoyment Infrastructure (QEI) — the blueprint for Authentiverse — is designed and documented in detail, much of it awaits the thinkers and builders who will join The Authenticity Alliance, to move us forward together toward the new environment of Authentiverse.
As a builder, YOU can launch Authenticity in your familiar area of expertise, as CEO of an Authenticity Enterprise serving your market or community. Or you can build a Village in Authentiverse — a community for family, friends, customers, and followers that provides privacy for you, accountability from other members, and security for everyone.
Browse the videos in the Authenticity University Library, to build your understanding of Authenticity.
Browse videos
Learn about running your own Authenticity Enterprise
Be your own boss, using our Authenticity platform to solve problems borne of inauthenticity in the industry, market, or audience where you've developed experience, knowledge, and contacts.
We'll help you write your business plan, incorporate, and find sources of capital.
More about Authenticity Enterprises
... into the developing world of Authentiverse, where real people are accountable for things, actions, and processes, and where privacy and security finally work as they should.
Become a commissioner in the governance of Osmio, the certification 
authority/municipality that brings duly constituted public authority to Authenticity.
Learn how optimocracy ensures that you are part of important decisions in Osmio — but only if you participate in the deliberations of your commission.
Tell me more about Osmio
Upgrade to Accountable Anonymity with an Osmio License Plate Credential.  Since the Osmio ID Pair conforms to the S/MIME specification, relying parties can see your email address. The Osmio License Plate Credential enables Accountable Anonymity by letting you assert your identity without disclosing your identity.
How can you assert identity without disclosing identity?
Schedule an online or in-person interview with your Attestation Officer to raise your Identity Quality Assurance (IDQA) score as it appears on your badge, giving security-conscious employers, clients, and other relying parties an extra assurance that you're actually who you claim to be.  
Tell me about 
Attestation Officers
Bring the accountability of measurably reliable identity certificates to your blockchain community by setting minimum Identity Quality Assurance (IDQA) scores for the various positions of responsibility.
Show me how to make our crypto/blockchain community more secure
And look ahead ... 
Take me to MailSlot
Design an Authenticity-enabled placeware office for your organization 
from Abyx Properties, Inc., an Authenticity Enterprise. 
Take me to Abyx Properties
The Osmio VRD Walletan app that keeps your Privacy PENs safe in your phone's secure enclave or secure element. 
Show me the Osmio VRD Wallet
But don't stop there ...
build Authentiverse
When you join The Authenticity Alliancewe will together
finish building the infrastructure that delivers everything on 
that list to people everywhere who care about Authenticity. 
Let's fix this
REAL privacy, REAL security,  and REAL accountability.
Identity Quality badge, front and back
Don't see anything here that's actionable 
for you right now, but want to stay informed about developments?
Keep in touch
The Authenticity Alliance
© 2011-2023 The Authenticity Institute, Inc.
The definition of Authenticity
What do the double diamonds mean?
Privacy policy
— Albert Einstein
Patents pending
After 30 years, it's about time!
When you join The Authenticity Alliance
as an individual member, you’ll get:
Your OSMIO ID Pair digital identity certificate and its accompanying Privacy PEN™
The certificate is based on the big public number mentioned in this video. 
• An initial Osmio IDQA score of 8 attached to your Osmio ID Pair identity certificate, 
   giving others confidence that you are who you claim to be
• Your choice of ebook:
• Monthly newsletter with updates, news, and commentary on the developing 
   Authenticity-enabled world of Authentiverse 
• Knowing that you're on the right side of history in fixing the scourge of INAUTHENTICITY 
   and bringing AUTHENTICITY to the world's information infrastructure
• The opportunity to participate in the development of Authentiverse
• Access to facilities in Authentiverse and its Villages (access will be governed 
   by the facility owner) 
• (Coming soon) A clubhouse for your own group of friends, colleagues, and followers
• (Coming soon)  Your MOI™ – MyOwnInformation™ personal information vault, turning
   information that identifies you into your own personal intellectual property and requiring 
   anyone who wants to use it to get a license from you 
• The the opportunity to participate in the development and application of the ordinances 
    of Osmio, the source of governance of Authentiverse 
About the Books
Quiet Enjoyment, Second Edition
Escape the Plantation
Don't Get Norteled
The Future Needs YOU
Bring security with privacy to your networks and your life.
The solution to the Internet's problems – spam, malware, botnets, predation, fraud – is old and well proven, but it cannot be deployed the way technology has historically been deployed. Quiet Enjoyment provides the roadmap to building communities of Authenticity.
The principal money-making asset of the large search, digital media, and social networking companies is the digital you – the detailed databases of information about you, your habits, your political beliefs, etc. (It’s not just about you as a consumer.) Learn how to turn information about you into your own personal intellectual property, to be used only under license from you!
Security technology is today's bloodletting. Like bloodletting, it doesn't work!
If you care about the survival of your organization in an age when security technology is failing us, then do as Dan Geer says and “Read This Book!”
Learn how your track record of integrity as a notary makes you a Very Important Person as we displace this world’s rampant INauthenticity 
with Authenticity everywhere.
Help us bring the generous incomes and integrity of professional licensing forward into the digital world.
Architects and other licensed professionals often earn seven-figure incomes 
by assuming liability for their certifications.  That's why we trust, for example, that a building won't fall down on us. 
Help Osmio build professional licensing into our digital world by bringing your experience and expertise to Osmio’s Professional Licensing Commission, which has over two dozen proposed professional licenses.
Show me proposed professional licenses
Society very similar assurances from code auditors, pen testers, database custodians, and other professions that control our digital world.
End the threat of phishing attacks and ransomware by bringing MailSlot™ Authenticity-enabled email to your company or organization. 
MailSlot™ Inc., an Authenticity Enterprise, will enroll and train those of your employees and supplier and distributor personnel who are responsible for transaction-oriented communication.
Mimic the advantages of a physical office space, where you can drop in on colleagues for  an ad hoc exchange and reduce the plague of endless meetings.
No time right now?  Not sure?  Running off to a meeting?
Let’s keep in touch so we can keep you posted and remind you later. 

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
* indicates required
Control of access to, and use of, that information about yourself
The opportunity to participate in governance of your social networks and other online spaces
The certificate is digitally signed by the Osmio Vital Records Department, and 
the Privacy PEN is the secret big number of the pair. 
What is QEI's 
state of development?